Technology and Unemployment

Trailer for My New Video: 100% Unemployment

David Salahi After Effects, Video 6 Comments

I was pleased last week to finish work on a video on technological unemployment. It’s what the N.Y. Times calls an Op-Doc or opinion documentary. It examines the trend of increasing displacement of workers by technology and the associated income inequality. It also looks at the potential bright side of the trend—abundant cheap goods and services produced by robotics and software.

I haven’t posted the video publicly yet as I’m working on finding the best home for it. I also produced a trailer for it using an After Effects template from RocketStock. I’m very happy with the template. It was easy to use and I think the result looks great. The music is from SmartSound. Using their software SonicFire Pro you can get excellent royalty-free music that is highly customizable. Once the video is publicly available I’ll post more about the video and how I created it.

To learn more about the phenomenon of technological unemployment see the Technology & Employment website run by my friend Dave Kinnear and myself.

Comments 6

  1. I enjoyed the trailer to your video. Very well done.
    That’s a very interesting subject and I like to learn more about it, looking forward to the release of your video.

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  2. eager to see the film. I’ve become aware of AI and it’s potential to bring unimaginable change. I have hope in the ingenuity of the market place and of human thought to find “work- (worth)” in the utopian future. Shows that heaven can be a scary place.

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      @gary, I agree that there are some possible futures which could be very harsh. To avert those futures I think society will have to take action to provide for those who are unable to get work. I believe in capitalism but not unregulated capitalism.

  3. David, Enjoyed the video and the technical transitions you created. Thanks for the references for sound and templates. Let me know when the final is done, very interesting subject.

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